Supported by CCR Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR)





OSTR/STARS Subsidies

NCI CCR investigators are eligible for support on select technologies provided by the Core. Visit the OSTR/STARS website for further details. New policy for  subsidies are detailed on the STARS guidelines page.


Core Acknowledgement

Please remember that it is important to acknowledge the CCR Genomics Core in all publications (scholarly reports, presentations, posters, papers) that include data derived from the facility. Proper acknowledgment provides a visible measure of the impact of the core and is thus essential for our continued funding and leadership support. The CCR Genomics Core will be appreciative if you could please provide us with a PDF of any publications in which the CCR Genomics Core is acknowledged.


iLab Website

The Core uses iLab solutions to allow the core staff and customers to track requests, reservations, and billing information in a centralized searchable database. Users must be registered under your PI as a member on iLab. Log-in using your NIH credentials. If you are a new member, register under your PI from the list. You will not be able to register unless your PI has an active CAN number. Contact the Core ( if your PI is not listed.


Core Billing

CCR Genomics Core requires a CAN number for billing. Billing is performed 3 times per year: December, April, and August. At each billing cycle, the PI and/or financial contact will receive an iLab generated “invoice” which summarizes all service requests including scope of work as well as financial details for the specified billing period. For NCI investigators, monies will be automatically taken from your budget through BMS. You should see a line item/note at the bottom of your BMS report. For Non-NCI investigators, NCI will initiate the Direct CAN Citation (DCC) process in August for all charges accrued in the Core for the entire fiscal year. Once the DCC paperwork is signed, CAN flips will be submitted through the OFM SharePoint site so that NCI is indirectly reimbursed from each non-NCI investigator. Any questions/concerns regarding this process can be directed to Melissa Shue, Basic Research ARC/CCR/NCI.

At any time, you can log-in to iLab to monitor services rendered and cost generated or you can contact the Core Manager directly to send a report. You can also name your AO or anyone else a financial contact who can track spending in iLab and who will also receive the summaries generated at billing. If you would like your AO or other financial contact to receive this billing report and can track spending, please contact the Core (

Next-Generation Sequencing Data Delivery and Retention Policies

Next gen sequencing data will be delivered via pre-signed URLs in the form of a .tar or .zip archive containing all fastq files as well as a package containing QC metrics. A .tar archive of the entire run directory can also be delivered upon request. All preassigned-URLs are valid for one week from the delivery date. If the link expires, please contact the Core at

All delivered NGS data will be uploaded for long-term storage on your behalf to the NCI Data Vault. All project data (both raw and processed) will be stored for a period of two years from the run completion date. Please backup and store your project data within this timeframe. While it is possible that project data may retrieved after this time frame, we cannot guarantee that all raw files will be available.

For information about the NCI data vault visit  or email